

Mythic Meats has a mission of providing international leadership in science-based media & education covering the future of meat from an evolutionary perspective.

The blog is a side-project of the graduate research of  Dustin Eirdosh  at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Germany.

I focus on the intersection of humans, animals, and technology; utilising transdiciplinary approaches within an ecological context.

By seamlessly moving between the disciplines, perspectives, and contextual frameworks in the chart below, I've found greater clarity and opportunities for progress on some of the most perplexing problems posed to the future of both humans and livestock. Click on the tabs above to learn more about Meat Ethics, Holistic Meat Quality, Evolutionary Complexity, and Technological Innovation - then be sure to "like" Mythic Meats on FaceBook to follow my research into the future.

About the Mythic Meats Logo
I created this logo through the synthesis of four ancient symbols - each reflecting  a component of the approach I seek to take in my life and research.

The Labyrinth

The Golden Ratio

The Reishi Mushroom

The Horned Bovine

The Labyrinth - Reflection and Integration

Image Source:

The Golden Ratio - 
Non-Linear Complexity

The Reishi Mushroom - 
Wisdom and Health

The Horned Bovine - 
Fertility and Mystery